ISM or Ingenius System Manager is an extremely advanced tool to build and manage a Linux system from scratch. ISM is not only a tool to manage and update software. It facilitates the way to configure the system, enable specific options for each packages, change Linux variables and settings... etc




You can see main functionnalities when you just type ism in a terminal:

user $ ism
Ingenius System Manager
        -h      help    Display the help how to use ISM
        -v      version Show and manage the ISM version
        -so     software        Install, configure and remove softwares
        -p      port    Manage ISM ports
        -sy     system  Configure the system settings
        -se     settings        Configure ISM settings
        -d      debug   Enable debug mode to track any error
user $ ism software
Install, configure and remove softwares
        -do     disableoption   Disable a specific software option
                                Need to be use like this:
                                ism software [softwarename] disableoption [optionname]
        -eo     enableoption    Enable a specific software option
                                Need to be use like this:
                                ism software [softwarename] enableoption [optionname]
        -i      install Install specific(s) software(s)
        -ui     uninstall       Uninstall specific(s) software(s)
        -se     search  Search specific(s) software(s)
        -sy     synchronize     Synchronize the software database
        -u      update  Update specified software(s)
user $ ism port
Manage ISM ports
        -o      open    Open the specified port
        -c      close   Close the specified port
        -stv    settargetversion        Set the target version for all ports, based on a ISM version
user $ ism system
Configure the system settings
        -sla    setlcall        Set the LC_ALL variable to setup the localization of specific country
user $ ism settings
Configure ISM settings
        -s      show    Show the current settings
        -eibc   enableinstallbychroot   Enable softwares install by chroot
        -dibc   disableinstallbychroot  Disable softwares install by chroot
        -srp    setrootpath     Set the default root path where to install softwares
        -sa     setarchitecture Set the default target architecture for the compiler
        -sbo    setbuildoptions Set the default CPU flags for the compiler
        -smo    setmakeoptions  Set the default parallel make jobs number for the compiler
        -ssn    setsystemname   Set the name of the future installed system
        -stn    settargetname   Set the default machine target for the compiler
        -sca    setchrootarchitecture   Set the default chroot target architecture for the compiler
        -scbo   setchrootbuildoptions   Set the default chroot CPU flags for the compiler
        -scmo   setchrootmakeoptions    Set the default chroot parallel make jobs number for the compiler
        -scsn   setchrootsystemname     Set the name of the future chroot installed system
        -sctn   setchroottargetname     Set the default chroot machine target for the compiler
        -sdm    setdefaultmirror        Set the default mirror for ISM

ISM is made to use all of the settings, for the compilation as well and pass all wanted arguments, like GCC flags, number of parallels jobs, custom machine targets.


It's actually highly experimental. Now with the guide, it's actually possible to build the Cross-Toolchain and all of the Temporary Tools of the LFS book. Don't use that in a production environment, only in a virtual machine, except if you assume you are totally crazy (this is possible).